
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

9nine: "Shoujo Traveller" PV

After quite some time, 9nine is back on PIH with the release of their PV for Shoujo Traveller, which will come out in one week.

This is a very mesmerizing and enticing video with the whole futuristic-agent theme and makes me think of PV's such as Perfume's Laser Beam or Buono!'s My Boy. Their choreography is, just as expected from them, fun and creative, and their execution of it gives it justice, for sure. The shots with them in the blue outfits look sort of mismatched with their faces compared with the overall theme, but I can't deny the fact that it makes the PV cuter. The song itself and the sounds of their voices also match the theme of the video, with techno sound effects and robotic-sounding harmonizations in the verses. Plus, it makes me happy that this song focuses more on the whole group and doesn't have Kanae singing almost every line in the song, whether it's a group line, solo line, duet line, etc. :P

And daaaaang, that last part I was NOT expecting. 9nine versus 9nine!!! Even though it may seem cheesy... I found to TOTALLY SUPER AWESOME! <333333333 (Hehehe, 9 hearts!)

I think that both the song and PV are worthy of anyone's attention, and in my opinion is a step up from their last single, though that one wasn't all bad. This is just TO good for me! :D

PV Link (For now, this is the only working one. I'll try to update with a new one later.)

1 comment:

  1. Do you find that the song is more focused in the left speaker at parts in the song? From 0:52 seconds onwards. It really messes up what would have been an epic song. It still is a brilliant song and I love the video (although I can't seem to find a good stream) and the group is fantastic, but the mixing/recording decisions are terrible!


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