Tuesday, May 4, 2010

S/mileage “Yume Miru 15” PV Making

Before this single , I only looked at S/mileage in passing .I have always had a hard time becoming a regular fan of junior idol groups ,however there is something about this song that I like ,making it hard to not want to support these young ladies .

I really feel that there is something special about this group , just like when Morning Musume first started and I think that we are only just going to see this unit grow stronger in the years to come. If more of the Eggs , have this potential ,then H!P`s future is in good hands.


  1. That PV and song wasn't too bad actually... I never took to s/mileage that much because they were acting too... cute? for my taste.

    I don't know if it's because I'm a girl or something else entirely... but they just looked really fake (no offence) during their PVs before.

    This one... was better than the indies.

    Since it's the major debut single?

    I like the song, sounds pretty good. ^^

    Dawa looked nice with longer hair though... So does Saki.

  2. I always confuse Wada as Dawa... wonder how tht came up... but yeah... My bad... ><


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