Friday, October 15, 2010

Beginner PV [Dance Version]?

Beginner PV [Dance Version]?

I am not going to say this is the final official "edited"version that will replace what everyone was expecting .I will just say that it`s just another piece in the strange puzzle that this release has become.

This version says Dance Version, and all they have done is create more mixed feelings, the game segments have been removed and it`s mixed with dance and making of scenes, it also has segments in it  that the song completely stops before restarting.

Given how strange this entire release build up has been who knows what will happen next.

For now, you will not find this video on Youtube; instead, you can watch it here and decide how you feel about this.


  1. This song is like River...
    I'll wait for the next single which will be something like Maybe and Ponytail.

  2. The song was much better until they put out this version, it`s all chopped up. They are performing it now on AKBINGO! Broadcasts, so the official PV is not far off.


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