Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Morning Musume -“Kono Chikyuu no Heiwa wo Honki de Negatterun da yo! “.

Morning Musume -“Kono Chikyuu no Heiwa wo Honki de Negatterun da yo! “.

The PV is now out for Morning Musume`s upcoming single “Kono Chikyuu no Heiwa wo Honki de Negatterun da yo! “. While this is Takahashi Ai`s last single ,it is clear by the line distribution as far as the 9th gen goes it is also Ai handing off the ace microphone to Sayashi Riho ,she is spotlighted almost as much as the great leader .

For me this is a great song with a PV that has so much over done CGI that it`s hard to watch at times, was it really necessary to do that. It`s like a young kid got a new toy and is testing out all the features or Morning Musume the video game.

I really like the song and if they had not overdone the CGI, I would give it a 100 score. CGI should complement a song like seeing a beautiful women standing in the distance with her hair gently blowing in the wind, not overshadow it.

Here is an idea H!P that works in hard rock .Rent space in the downtown streets of Shibuya ,put up a stage ,invite fans for free and let the group perform live and film the thing for a live concert style PV. This song is good enough on it`s own to sell even by doing that. If you have full faith in the strength of a song and the group performing it, you don`t need to over power the song with lots of CGI.

I truly think this is the best song the group has released this year and for sometime as for the PV to me, it feels like the opening giant screen intro for a concert then a music video.

??????? - Kono Chikyuu no Heiwa wo Honki... by xlittlemystery

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